
The International Music Manager’s Forum (IMMF) represents featured artist music managers and through them the featured artists (performers and authors) themselves.


Music managers and self-managed artists are uniquely placed to comment on music industry issues, as they are the only group of professionals that deal with every aspect of the music industry and the copyright system as it applies to music on a daily basis. The creativity of artists drives the global business of music and all the intermediary processes that sit between the creator (Artist) and the consumer (Fan). The role of the manager includes interfacing and negotiating with phonogram producers (record companies), music publishers, Agents and Touring Companies, Sponsorship and Merchandising entities, as well as ensuring that all the available income streams, including those from collecting societies, are properly managed – so that the creative artist is empowered to create.


Most other long-term legal relationships entered into by featured artists are usually with third parties whose commercial interests may often differ from those of the artists themselves. Managers are not only responsible for every aspect of the artist’s career, but are also generally remunerated on a commission basis – so income streams generated by the artist also directly affect those of the manager. Thus the IMMF represents the collective interests of both, music managers and the artists, and acts to ensure that their voice is heard.


IMMF keeps a watch on the economic and legal interests of artists. Our vision is to create better trading conditions for all artists around the world. Therefore the IMMF advocates for and promotes the artists’ and managers’ issues to foster awareness of the importance of creativity for both its economic and cultural worth. It is essential to engage with organisations that have such a voice in the shaping of the new content industries.


Recent agendas include Music Moves Europe and Boosting the EU Culture Budget.


IMMF connections include:

Tech Sector and Consumer groups

A thread throughout IMMF’s discussions with the tech sector is identifying and protecting not only the creators’ needs but also those of the Consumer/Fan/Audiences. As technology increasingly empowers the consumer and creator, value moves from being based in products to being based in the relationship between audience and artist. The IMMF is excited by the tech sector’s ability to add new dimensions and contexts to the interplay between audiences and artists. The IMMF and its national member organisations are sought out by new digital services that want to engage directly with Artists as the music industry becomes increasingly artist-centric.


Therefore the IMMF is directly engaged with various conferences and forums like Copyright 4 Creativity, a dialogue between consumers, creators, technologists, librarians and policy makers about progressing rights-based business models while encouraging the creative economy and securing opportunities for all elements of the value chain. On the one side the IMMF is in contact with organizations from the tech sector like the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) or the Digital Media Association (DiMA). On the other side it talks to consumer organizations like Knowledge Economy International (KEI) or The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC). Furthermore the IMMF is in correspondence with academic organisations like the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).



The IMMF is holding discussions with policy makers including Government ministers, representatives and/or MP’s around the world. The IMMF operates at a truly international level and supports its member organisations in on-going discussions with their national governments. For Example in Europe the IMMF has direct links with the Commissioner’s Cabinets of the European Union (EU) and Brussels lobbyists. The IMMF is involved in the stakeholder’s dialogue Licences for Europe (L4E) and submits responses to EU green papers and other discussions related to Intellectual Property.


A theme across IMMF’s political engagement is developing new rights models for the developed world by working on new models in the developing world. These connections have guided the IMMF into discussions with multiple Governments including those of China, Argentina, and India.


With a focus on business matters the IMMF is a member organisation of the International Music Council (IMC), an UNESCO backed organisation. Moreover the IMMF has observer status at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and has attended regularly, e.g. at the dialogue meetings on WIPO’s proposal for the International Music Registry (IMR). Also it has been invited to speak on WIPO platforms in Beijing and Geneva.


The chapters of the IMMF member organisation directly impact the IMMF’s strategy, agendas and policies. Specialised IMMF sub-committees including the Copyright Committee, European Committee and Live Committee feed the IMMF’s agendas and ensure IMMF lobbying is directly relevant to business pragmatism. The IMMF functions for its members.


Music Trade Associations

The IMMF has vital relationships with: Council of Authors and Composers of Music / Center of International Arts Management (CIAM) Featured Artists Coalition (FAC) Dachorganisation der Musikschaffenden (DOMUS) International Federation of Musicians (FIM) Merlin Network International Confederation of Authors and Composers (CISAC)