Investing in Europe’s next generation by investing in culture / The IMMF is one of 99 signatories


Jun 20


As the EU has started discussing the proposed recovery plan, 99 organisations from across Europe’s cultural and creative sectors are uniting their voices to alert EU leaders : our sector needs strong and systemic support measures to recover from this crisis.
As it is now well understood, the cultural and creative world is one of the first and hardest hit by the crisis.
According to the Commission’s own estimates, some parts of our sector – which accounts for €509bn in value added to GDP and over 12 million full-time jobs – are expected to lose up to 80% of their turnover in the 2nd quarter of 2020.
We have a higher than average percentage of self-employed workers, freelancers, micro-businesses and youth employment, which makes us particularly vulnerable in times of crisis.
As the European economy is slowly restarting, it is far from business as usual. Cultural actors are gradually resuming their activities, but all have to implement strict safety rules which means they won’t be operating at full capacity for the foreseeable future and are therefore facing challenging economic decisions. From individual creators and creative workers all the way to big production and media companies, the whole value chain is impacted.
And yet the recovery package announced by the Commission on 27 May does not reflect the reality of the cultural and creative sector, despite the encouraging messages by the Commission and the strong position taken by the European Parliament. The proposal on the table falls way short of our sector’s expectations:
• Despite being identified as one of 14 of the hardest hit ecosystems, there is neither a sector specific instrument for culture, nor a clear indication on whether or how we can benefit from different instruments. The section on REACT-EU in the Commission’s Communication1 refers to culture, but there is no guarantee that we will receive appropriate support.
• As for Creative Europe, the EU’s only programme specifically dedicated to the cultural and creative sector, the Commission’s announcement is a missed opportunity and a real disappointment. Along with the budget dedicated to education and youth, the budget dedicated to culture is the only one to decrease compared to the Commission’s own 2018 proposal, and it is a far cry from the European parliament’ position2 . Quite ironic for a recovery plan named “Next Generation EU”.
To bring the EU’s support for our sector to a level that is commensurate with its contribution to the EU’s economy and its citizens’ wellbeing, we call on Member States and the European Parliament:
• To push for a substantial increase of the Creative Europe budget. We fully support the European Parliament’s proposal for a budget of €2.8bn.
• To guarantee that the entire sector can benefit appropriately from the recovery plan’s various instruments.
Let’s invest in culture to show the EU’s #NextGeneration that we really care about their future!

1. AEPO ARTIS – Association of European Performers’ Organisations
2. AER – Association of European Radios
3. Animation Europe
4. BOZAR – Centre for Fine Arts Brussels
5. CALLIAS Foundation
6. CEATL – European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations
7. CEDC – European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity
8. CEM – Centre Européen de Musique
9. CEPI – European Audiovisual Production
10. CEPIC – Centre of the Picture Industry
11. CICAE – International Confederation of Arthouse Cinemas
12. CIRCOSTRADA – European Network for Circus & Street Arts
13. De Concert!
14. EAA – European Arenas Association
15. EAS – European Association for Music in Schools
16. ECBN – European Creative Business Network
17. ECHN – European Creative Hubs Network
18. ECSA – European Composer and Songwriter Alliance
19. EDN – European Dancehouse Network
20. EFA – European Festivals Association
21. EFFORTS – The European Federation of Fortified Sites
22. EFJ – The European Federation of Journalists
23. EFNYO – European Federation of National Youth Orchestras
24. EFP – European Film Promotion
25. EGDF – European Games Developer Federation
26. EHTTA – European Historic Thermal Towns Association
27. EIBF – European and International Booksellers Federation
28. EJN – Europe Jazz Network
29. ELIA – Globally Connected European Network of Higher Arts Education
30. EMC – European Music Council
31. EMCY – European Union of Music Competitions for Youth
32. EMEE – European Music Exporters Exchange
33. EMMA – European Magazine Media Association
34. EMMA – European Music Managers Alliance
35. EMU – The European Music School Union
36. ENCATC – European network on cultural management and cultural policy
37. ENCC – European Network of Cultural Centres
38. ENPA – European Newspaper Publishers Association
39. EOFed – European Orchestra Federation
40. EPC – European Publishers Council
41. ERIH – The European Route of Industrial Heritage
42. ESNS – Eurosonic Noorderslag
43. ETC – European Theatre Convention
44. Eurocinema
45. Europa Distribution – The European Network of Independent Film Publishers and Distributors
46. Europa International – the network of European sales agents
47. Europavox : music online media & festivals
48. ECA – European Choral Association – Europa Cantat
49. EVA – European Visual Artists
50. EWC – European Writers’ Council
51. FEDEC – European Federation for Professional Circus Schools
52. FERA – Federation of European Film Directors
53. FEP – Federation of European Publishers
54. FIA – International Federation of Actors
55. FIAD – The International Federation of Film Distributors’ Associations
56. FIAPF – International Federation of Film Producers Associations
57. FIM – International Federation of Musicians
58. FSE – Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
59. GESAC – European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers
61. IAMIC – International Association of Music Information Centres
62. IAML – International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres, member of EMC
63. IAO – International Artist Organisation of Music
64. ICMP – The Global Voice of Music Publishing
65. IETM – International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts
66. IFJ – International Federation of Journalists
67. IFPI – International Federation of the Phonographic Industry
68. IFRRO – International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations
69. IGCAT – International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism
70. IMMF – International Music Managers Forum
71. IMPALA – The Independent Music Companies Association
72. IMPF – The Independent Music Publishers International Forum
73. IMZ – IMZ International Music + Media Centre
74. In-Situ – European Platform for Artistic Creation in Public Space
75. INES – Innovation Network of European Showcases
76. ISCM – International Society for Contemporary Music on behalf of the
77. ISFE – The Interactive Software Federation of Europe
78. IVF – International Video Federation
79. Live DMA – European network for live music venues & festivals
80. Liveurope – The live music platform for new European talent
81. KEA European Affairs
82. MCA – Michael Culture Association
83. NAMM – National Association of Music Merchants
84. NEMO – The Network of European Museum Organisations
85. News Media Europe
86. On the Move
87. Pearle* – Live Performance Europe
88. REMA – European Early Music Network
89. Res Artis – Worldwide Network of Arts Residencies
90. SAA – Society of Audiovisual Authors
91. SEEHN – South East European Heritage Network
92. SHAPE – Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
93. Sistema Europe – The Sistema Europe Association
94. TEH – Trans Europe Halles
95. Tenso Network Europe
96. UNI MEI – UNI global union – media, entertainment & arts
97. UNIC – International Union of Cinemas
98. We Are Europe
99. Yourope – The European Festival Association

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