IMMF AGM 2019 – New Board & Advisory Board Elected; New Members from China to Romania and Cambodia to Iran


Sep 19


Celebrating its Annual General Meeting at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, Germany IMMF’s members from almost 50 countries elected a new Board.

Press Release in English / Boletin de Prensa en Español

Across four years of chairing IMMF, Volker May (Germany) is stepping down; his focus on Fairness & transparency and Plurality & Diversity is clear in the expanding network of over 50 countries he fostered from China to Romania and Cambodia to Argentina. IMMF believes talent is found everywhere, not only in “major” markets but opportunity is not evenly distributed. All artists deserve access to an international network of contacts and information which will allow them to grow and develop. Local music industries are always based on artists, support for and investment in artists and their professional representatives is the key to developing cultural entrepreneurship. 


Volker’s legacy is clear in the next generation of leadership which he nurtured, and which has been elected by the members:



Ana Rodriguez (Mexico) 

Patricia Hermida (Spain)

Vice Chair

Jeff Bealieu (Canada)


Secretary Olivier Toth (Luxembourg) and Treasurer Nathan Brenner (Australia) were also re-elected providing continuity.


Likewise, Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (UK) was re-elected as General Manager by the board.


The new IMMF  Advisory Board members are: 

Fabrizio Onetto (Mexico)

Tarsame Mittal (India)

Neeta Ragoowansi (USA)

Tholsi Pillay (China)

Karel Bartak (Czech Republic)

Teresa Patterson (New Zealand)

 and Volker May (Germany).



IMMF also welcomes former provisional member organisations from China, Czech Republic, India, Romania and Switzerland as full members, and is pleased to announce  two new provisional members Cambodia and Iran. As a truly global organisation encouraging plurality and diversity, IMMF is excited to be able to connect its members with  insights from participants like Mehrzad Kia who records, manages and produces his music in Tehran, or Tarsame Mital who runs the largest management company in India and  represents 10 of the TOP 30 artists in the country.


One of the goals of the new Board is to strengthen the existing IMMF network through member participation  in the continuing evolution of the organisation; the search for new business models will continue to be part of the main agenda. Thanks to direct-to-platform distribution, artists and their audiences are not constrained by geography, new policies and business models, are required in order to understand, grow and monetize in this developing ecosystem and make the artist business truly global without  restrictions.


IMMF’s mission is: ensuring Access to Finance, supporting Plurality & Diversity, providing Education & Training and promoting Fairness & Transparency.

Representatives of Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Romania and guest from Azerbaijan.



Music Moves Europe Talent Awards Nominations. The Nominees are 5K HD (AT), Anna Leone (SE), Au/Ra (DE), Beast In Black (FI), Charlotte Adigéry (BE), FLOHIO (UK), Fontaines D.C. (IE), Girl in red (NO), HARMED (HU), Hugo Helmig (DK), Kimberose (FR), Meduza (IT), Naaz (NL), Perfect Son (PL), PONGO (PT) and Tribade (ES).

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