May 15


Open letter on Record Label and Music Publisher Deals in the Digital Market

  Andrus Ansip (Vice-President, Digital Single Market) Günther Oettinger (Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society) European Commission, Rue de la Loi 200 1049 Brussels   Maria A. Pallante (United States Register of Copyrights and Director US Copyright Office) Jacqueline C. Charlesworth (General Counsel and Associate ...

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Aug 14


Preventing the spread of Ebola in West Africa

Luxembourg, 28th of August   Ebola virus disease, a highly infectious and deadly disease, continues to claim lives in West Africa. As of 26th of August, more than 1,500 people have died in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. The virus surfaced in rural Guinea and then spread to the neighbouring countries.   “While ...

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Jul 14


IMMF Statement in response to the recent WIN/YouTube dispute and other issues of the digital music business

The organisations, artists, and artist managers, that collectively form the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF), respect and value the various stakeholders we work with across the music industry. We all have a shared interest in seeing a healthy ecosystem in which the benefits and rewards generated by the music are fairly and ...

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Jun 14


Great demand for IMMF panels

Education and international networking are core competences of the IMMF, which need to be maintained by regular sessions around the world. During the last month and a half the IMMF hosted three education and networking events in three countries. They were organized in cooperation with international music conferences, which guaranteed ...

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May 14


Round-up PR Newsletter #1 (trilingual: English, français, deutsch)

IMMF takes big steps to strengthen the international voice of music managers & artists   2014 sees the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF) taking big steps on the way towards strengthening the international voice of music managers and artists. With a new seat in Luxembourg, strengthened secretariat, new international ...

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Apr 14


IMMF promotes international collaborations at Tallinn Music Week 2014

Tallinn Music Week has been a success for the IMMF to promote international collaborations between artists and artist managers from various countries. The three-day conference was prefaced by the welcoming speech of the Estonian president, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who described the importance of Music as a cultural good and instrument ...

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Mar 14


IMMF at Musikbiz Association Summit 2014 at Musikmesse Frankfurt

The Music Fair in Frankfurt (Musikmesse) is one of the major German venues also for different international roof organisations and other members of the international music business. In 2014 the Music Fair presented the „Musikbiz Association Summit”, which took place on the first day of the fair, Wednesday 12th March. At this ...

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Mar 14


IMMF at Breathe Sunshine Conference

This year the Breathe Sunshine African Music Conference in Cape Town entered its second round and took place from the 14th to 16th of February. Volker May, Vice-Chair of the IMMF, represented the IMMF at the music conference and contributed to it as a panelist. Also Tilmann Otto alias Gentleman, a well-known reggae artist from […]

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Feb 14


IMMF at Midem 2014

As in the previous years the IMMF was present at Midem in Cannes, France. At Midem this year the IMMF once again held its General Assembly and provided a delegation of its Artist Managers in Co-operation with Midem for a Meet The Managers Networking session, as well as additional Artist Managers for Midem Panels. After […]

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Dec 13


Presentation of the new MMF Portugal at Westway Viva Festival in Lisboa

On November 14th and 15th the IMMF supported the introductory presentation of MMF Portugal at Westway Viva Festival in Lisboa. Together with other international delegates from several sectors the IMMF celebrated the official foundation of our new Portuguese MMF association. IMMF welcomed Nuno Saraiva and his team and are proud to ...

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