IMMF promotes international collaborations at Tallinn Music Week 2014


Apr 14


Tallinn Music Week has been a success for the IMMF to promote international collaborations between artists and artist managers from various countries. The three-day conference was prefaced by the welcoming speech of the Estonian president, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who described the importance of Music as a cultural good and instrument of protest. Subsequently Volker May (IMMF Vice-Chair), Virpi Immonen (MMF Finland Chair) and Toomas Oljum (MMF Estonia Chair) conducted a presentation of the IMMF. They appreciated the cooperation between the MMFs particularly. Furthermore Volker May delivered a short presentation under the title „Nowadays becoming an artist or an artist manager is courageous“, which outlined the changes in the job profiles of artist managers from Beethoven to nowadays.


IMMF speakers at Tallinn Music Week
From left to right: Volker May (IMMF Chair), Virpi Immonen (MMF Finland Chair), Toomas Olljum (MMF Estonia Chair)



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